hello. my name is amber, I'm 17 years old. and my birthday is July 22. my middle name is Nicole. and my last name is Newby. i am from Madison Indiana. and i now live in Trimble county. i like to hang out with friends, meet new people, and learn new things. i am adventurous, and a lot of fun. i am blunt, but in a sweet way.
my expectations are to reach my goals, and do great things in life. my goals are to finish high school, and go to college, to be a nurse. how i would complete those goals is to stay dedicated, and try my hardest at everything i do, and put forth as much effort as possible. i hope to accomplish things like what it is like being away from family, and how to live in society, with no help. and also communication skills, like stepping out of my comfort zone. and trying new things.
Welcome to UK! We're so glad you're here, and we want to help further your goals. This is a great time to try all these new things you're writing about - and thinking deeply about these important issues.